1.) Students shall maintain discipline and necessary decorum in and outside the classroom.
2.) Students shall attend the class regularly.
3.) Students are required to be in their respective classrooms when the lecturer enters. They shall stand until the lecturer directs them to sit. 4.) Students who came late may enter the classroom only after obtaining the permission of the lecturer.
5.) Students shall stand up when lecturers or visitors enter the classroom. Be polite & courteous, respect and greet seniors & authorities both inside & outside the classroom.
6.) Students are expected to be courteous and polite in their dealings with one another and/or with the employees of the college.
7.) Proper respect should be shown to the teaching and non-teaching staff and their instructions should be carried out strictly.
8.) Silence should be maintained in the classroom, reading room and in the verandahs so that none is disturbed in studies and the atmosphere prevailing in the college remains congenial for academic pursuits.
9.) Students must be modest, neat and clean in dress & refined in behaviors.
10.) Movement from one class to another should be orderly. At the end of a period,the incoming students should wait outside till the classroom has been completely vacated.
11.) Students are expected to spend their leisure time in the library reading room.
12.) Mobile phones are not allowed in the college.
13.) The students should understand that the college property is an asset of the nation and as such its maintenance is as much their duty as that of administration. Therefore, let not any one disfigure or damage the furniture or deface the wall with pen, pencil or chalk marks.
14.) The students should inculcate the queue habit while they go to see the Principal or pay dues in the accounts office or to get books issued from library. 15.) The students must not loiter about the verandahs unnecessarily.
16.) At any time during the course of training, the Principal may at his/her discretion remove the name of a student from the college rolls if he/she has failed to make progress in studies or has been found guilty of misconduct.
17.) Participation in co-curricular activities and games is compulsory for all students.
18.) No student is allowed to accept any kind of employment during the course of training.
19.) During the training period, no student shall attend or take part in any antigovernment, anti-college or other subversive activities.
20.) Political and unauthorized meetings, demonstration of all kinds, sale and distribution of books, pamphlets, posters etc. in/around the campus are strictly prohibited.
21.) The students must look up the notice board at least two times, once on the commencement of the day and later before they depart from college. Ignorance about a notice shall not be entertained as an excuse for non-compliance.
22.) Character Certificate will not be issued to a student who indulges in unfair means in the House Test/ University Examination or misbehaves with the college staff.
23.) IMPORTANT: - Except with the special permission of the Principal obtained in writing, visitors are not permitted to visit their wards during college hours. Strict compliance is solicited.
24.) If students have any complaint, approach the complain box, which is kept in reading room or to the principal.


The college must be got sanctioned before it is availed of. Leave application should reach the tutors concerned well in advance.

1.) All leave must be got sanctioned before it is availed of. Leave application should reach the tutors concerned well in advance.
2.) A. One day leave can be granted by the Tutors.
3.) Leave for more then one day will be granted only on the recommendation of the Principal.
4.) Leave will not be granted to any students during Teaching Practice/Exams.
5.) Application of resident students for sick leave should be recommended by the Warden of the Hostel. Application from day scholars for sick leave for more then three days should be supported by a Medical Certificate by a qualified Medical Officer.
6.) If a student remains absent without leave for more than a week continuously his/her name will be struck off the rolls.
7.) No student shall be allowed to avail ordinary leave for more than 21 days during the session.
8.) The students who will fail short of lectures as per University rules will not be allowed to sit in the University Examinations.
9.) Students will require paying a fine of Rs. 2/- per lecture for an unsanctioned leave.
10.) The students must apply for leave in the prescribed Leave Application Form available in the office.


1.) Stay in the hostel is compulsory for a student residing in an area beyond 30 Kms.
2.) Leave from the hostel may be granted by the Principal on the recommendation of the Hostel Warden in special cases.
3.) Hostel residents will be entitled to go home twice in a month.
4.) All the hostlers will submit to the Hostel Warden a list of visitors with their signatures and photographs duly counter-signed by their parents.